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Resources Charities and Organisations

Organisations With Goals towards better Nutrition for Schools and Kids

FareShareFareShare, a national UK charity, collect surplus ‘fit for purpose’ products from the food and drink industry and deliver it to organisations working with disadvantaged people (including breakfast and after-school clubs).  They work with schools to promote the message that "no good food should be wasted".

feedmebetterJamie's school dinners campaign directly led to the formation of the School Food Trust and £280 million government investment to improve school meals. Jamie's School Dinners

Soil Association, Focus on Food, Health Education Trust and Garden Organic join forces to form a network of schools committed to transforming food culture. Register your school now! Food For Life Partnership

Merton Parents is the campaign group that successfully campaigned for kitchen upgrades and stringent specifications for the Merton school food contract. Merton Parents

Formed by the DES in 2005, the School Food Trust is committed to transform school food and food skills, promote the education and health of children and improve the quality of food in schools. School Food Trust

Think Food and Farming is the exciting legacy project building on the successes of the Year of Food and Farming Think Food and Farming

Work towards green flag accreditation through nine topics, including 'School Grounds' and 'Healthy Living'. Eco Schools

A joint venture between the Department of Health (DH) and the Department for Education and Skills (DfES). Click the link to find a whole range of nutrition-related activities and projects for your schools.Food in Schools

British Nutrition Foundation's project to promote healthy eating, cooking and food education to primary schools. You can sign up for their monthly newsletter by clicking on the link below Food a Fact of Life

Independent Nutrition provides specialist consultancy services for improving the nutritional quality of food provision in independent schools Independent Nutrition

Appetite for Action is a free educational website for primary schools that helps tackle a range of sustainability issues through the topic of food. Developed in conjunction with teachers, the website offers schools free resources, from lesson plans and fact sheets to activity ideas and films, helping pupils to reduce food waste, grow their own fruit and vegetables, understand composting and reduce waste to landfill. Appetite for Action

The Children's Food Campaign wants to improve young people’s health and well-being through better food – and food teaching – in schools and by protecting children from junk food marketing. Children's Food Campaign

Better Nursery Food Now are calling on the Government to put in place clear rules for the quality of nursery school food. Some nurseries are feeding children meals costing just 25p and there is no help for nurseries to provide the right balance of food.
Better Nursery Food Now

Magic Breakfast - Fuel For Learning
Magic Breakfast is a registered charity that delivers free, healthy breakfast foods to UK primary schools with more than 50% Free School Meals.  Currently, they are providing breakfast items to 6,000 children at school breakfast clubs in the UK.  Magic Breakfast 

Food Allergy Resources

Here you’ll find an assortment of helpful links I’ve collected regarding to food allergies.

FLOW NUTRITION cannot take any responsibility for the content of any web site listed below.
 Allergy Campaign Groups
The National Allergy Strategy GroupWebsite: www.nasguk.org
The National Allergy Strategy Group (NASG) is an alliance of the professional organisation BSACI(British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology), the patient charities, Allergy UK (AUK),The Anaphylaxis Campaign (TAC) and the Allergy Alliance(AA) and industry partners. Since its formation in 2001, the NASG has worked, with others, to highlight the need for allergy services; the inadequate care available for allergy patients at all levels in the NHS and to improve NHS allergy services.

Other Useful Organisations

Boots WebMD
Website: www.webmd.boots.com
The site is editorially independent and includes content from WebMD, Boots, the British Medical Journal and NHS Choices
The British Dietetic Association
Telephone: 0121 200 8080
Website: www.bda.uk.com
Professional association for dietitians.
The British Society for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional TherapyWebsite : http://www.bant.org.uk/

Chemical Free
Website: www.chemicalfree.co.uk
Aims to make life more livable for those affected by Chemical Sensitivity and Food Intolerance.
The Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)Website: http://www.cnhc.org.uk/pages/index.cfm
European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients Associations (EFA)Website: www.efanet.org
EFA is a European network that was founded in 1991, prompted by the belief that an international organisation formed by European patients associations that share the same aims, would be a more effective way to serve the needs and safeguard the rights of patients and their carers.

Food Standards Agency
Consumer Helpline: 0345 573012
Website: www.food.gov.uk
An independent Government department set up by an Act of Parliament in 2000 to protect the public's health and consumer interests in relation to food.
Medic Alert Foundation
Telephone: 0800 581420
Website: www.medicalert.org.uk
MedicAlert® is a registered charity providing a life-saving identification system to protect and save lives.
Patients Association
Helpline: 08456 084455
Website: www.patients-association.com
Provides advice for patients on gaining access to NHS services.

Other Charitable Organisations

Action Against Allergy
Website: www.actionagainstallergy.co.uk
Anaphylaxis Campaign
Website: www.anaphylaxis.org.uk
Asthma UK
Website: www.asthma.org.uk
The British Lung Foundation
Website www.lunguk.org
Coeliac UK
Website www.coeliac.co.uk
The IBS Network
Web site www.ibsnetwork.org.uk
The Latex Allergy Support Group
Website www.lasg.org.uk
National Eczema Society
Website: www.eczema.org

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